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De Thu, 06 Febrero hasta Thu, 13 Marzo
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La Sagrera

Els col·legis d’arquitectes, enginyers i economistes demanen que ADIF no adjudiqui el projecte de La Sagrera només per preu

© evarujo (Creative Commons)
Els quatre col·legis critiquen que ADIF hagi adjudicat el projecte de la nova estació de la Sagrera a qui ha fet la baixa econòmica més important, malgrat que l'adjudicatari hagi presentat, a criteri mateix d'ADIF, la pitjor de les propostes tècniques rebudes.

Els degans del Col·legi d’Arquitectes, d’Economistes, d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports i d’Enginyers Industrials han signat avui dimecres 24 de febrer una declaració en què es demana a ADIF que es respectin els criteris de valoració consensuats amb la resta d'administracions públiques en relació a la licitació dels projectes de l'estació de la Sagrera. 

Així mateix, reiteren la demanda que la gestió de l'execució de la Sagrera es porti, com s'havia fet fins ara, des de Barcelona Sagrera Alta Velocitat, SA, societat participada pel Ministeri de Fomento, ADIF, Generalitat de Catlunya i Ajuntament de Barcelona. 

En aquest sentit, critiquen que ADIF hagi decidit unilateralment les bases del nou concurs, capgirant-ne els criteris de puntuació. El 2008, la societat Barcelona Sagrera Alta Velocitat va plantejar la licitació mitjançant un barem econòmic (40 punts) i un de capacitat tècnica (60 punts), mentre que al 2015 ADIF ha fixat 25 punts per a la valoració tècnica i 75 per a l'econòmica, fent que el projecte s'adjudiqui a qui ha fet la baixa econòmica més important, malgrat ser la pitjor de les propostes tècniques rebudes, a criteri del mateix ADIF.

Durant l'acte, el degà del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Lluís Comerón, ha recordat que "l'objectiu dels edificis i les infraestructures que construïm i renovem és estar al servei de les persones i el seu benestar, i la sobrevaloració dels criteris economicistes comporta per força desatendre aquests objectius finals". Així mateix, ha reclamanat la necessitat de tenir "un marc jurídic que eviti disbarats com el que es pot produir a la Sagrera".

El degà del Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya, Joan B. Casas, ha afirmat que "és del tot inapropiat pretendre gestionar un projecte com el de la Sagrera des de 600 km de distància i sense tenir en compte ni la ciutat ni el govern de Catalunya". Tot i així, ha conclòs que el procediment encara pot ser reconduït i que "esperem que, pel bé de tots, es retorni la gestió i el consens sobre la Sagrera a BSAV SA".

Per la seva banda, el degà del Col·legi d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Catalunya, Oriol Altisench, ha insistit en reclamar que "les intervencions d'aquestes característiques s'han de gestionar des del territori, amb eines com BSAV SA", doncs una licitació que "menysté el criteri tècnic amenaça seriosament un projecte que és de vital importància per a la ciutat".

Finalment, el degà del Col·legi d'Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya, Jordi Guix, ha afirmat que "l'estació de la Sagrera és un projecte estratègic per a Barcelona i Catalunya, i amb la signatura d'aquesta declaració reivindiquem que cal recuperar el projecte inicial i fer-lo tornar a Barcelona".

Consulteu la declaració aquí.

Aquesta declaració se suma al Manifest sobre la Sagrera signat el desembre de 2015 pels quatre col·legis.

Impacte en premsa:
La Vanguardia, 25 de febrer de 2016
Expansión, 25 de febrer de 2016


Building in Catalonia underpins the start of the recovery, though still very far from a normal situation

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

On Monday 25 January, at an open meeting with the media, the COAC analysed the construction and building renovation sector in Catalonia during 2015.

Last year closed with authorizations for 2,881,076 m2, 26% more than in 2014. While this is a very positive figure, we need to highlight certain considerations to make a proper evaluation of the state of the sector:

1. We did not witness sustained growth throughout 2015: There was a steep rise in the first half of the year which later dropped away.

2. The increase in authorized surface area was primarily due to the authorization of very big projects (over 10,000 m2), some of which were halted due to the crisis that resumed in 2015.

3. The authorized surface area is still at exceptionally low levels across the whole of Catalonia, and very much below the normal levels of construction and building renovation in the rest of Europe.

This situation is still unsustainable for the sector, which needs economic policies to promote and reactivate the industry and complete its modernization process.

The province of Barcelona (not taking the city of Barcelona into account) has grown for the first time, with 38.45% more authorizations than in 2014. However, it is worth bearing in mind that 24.3% of this total is accounted for by major projects of more than 10,000 m2. The city of Barcelona, despite witnessing a significant upturn in 2014 (77.9%), grew in a much more restrained way in 2015 (14.7%). The other regions (Girona, Tarragona, Lleida and Ebre) maintained the general trend of a rise in their authorized surface area.

In absolute terms, new build is continuing to experience the most significant growth (33%), with almost 1,800,000 m2 authorized. The authorized surface area for renovations has also grown, to around 1,000,000 m2, although compared to new build this growth is much more moderate (18%).

The current figures indicate a recovery in housing, which is growing more than the non-residential market, thus starting to return to normal. With regard to non-residential uses, there was a considerable increase in commercial property, which once again is represented by authorization of major projects. Other sectors are not recovering and in some cases are continuing on their own particular downturn: education, health and industry, for example. With regard to the number of authorizations for housing, 2015 closed with a total of 6,351, an increase of 47% compared to 2014.

The total volume of authorized surface area is still very much below the figure that would equate to the usual minimum.

The sector is not yet experiencing a sufficiently strong structural recovery. There is a great deal of diversity with regard to the type of projects, although the major projects have a bigger impact on overall growth. We can say, then, that the reactivation of the sector is still not having an impact on either the majority of architects or other professionals and firms working in the sector.

The increase in activity reflected in the amount of authorized surface area is primarily due to major projects in the province of Barcelona. Growth continues to be insignificant for the other provinces.

The strong growth in the city of Barcelona in 2014 (over 70%) was not maintained during 2015, even though growth did continue (around 15% compared to the previous year).

These figures underline something that the COAC has been demanding for some considerable time: the need to implement measures of structural change to drive and steer the sector’s recovery and, as a knock-on factor, the economy.




Espai Barça jury selects proposal by HOK + TAC Arquitectes for the new Palau Blaugrana

Panoramic view of the new Palau Blaugrana © FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona has announced that the Espai Barça jury has selected the bid by the HOK + TAC Arquitectes team as the winner of the architectural tender for the new Palau Blaugrana. The jury, formed by five members of FCB, three members of the COAC and one member of the City Council, made their decision after a careful study of the different proposals.

The new Palau will be located in the Miniestadi's current location, and will have three spaces that can operate independently. From now on, the winning team will be working together with the FCB technical teams and the Barcelona City Council to make further specifications and work on the integration of the new facililties with the rest of the Espai Barça and the city. Construction works on the new Palau are expected to begin during the 2017-2018 season and to be completed in 2019-2020.

The team HOK Architecture is a major US firm with experience in architectural and engineering projects worldwide. HOK has built the American Airlines Arena in Miami, the Nationwide Arena in Ohio and the Stockton Arena in California. On the local side, Eduard Gascón, of TAC Arquitectes, leads a team with extensive experience in the development of all kinds of projects, such as the Turó de Can Mates Park, the Manresa Technology Centre and various office buildings in Barcelona.

The jury congratulated all of the teams for the high level and quality of the different bids presented for tender: Pattern Architects + Massip-Bosch Arquitectes, GMP + GCA Arquitectes, Make + BCQ Arquitectes, Francisco Mangado Arquitectos + Bach Arquitectes + R. Sanabria Arquitectes + I. Paricio and Wilkinson Eyre Architects + Alonso Balaguer Riera Arquitectes. 

Over the coming weeks it is expected that the Jury will choose the winning project for the new Camp Nou. As for the Miniestadi, Batlle i Roig Arquitectes were the winners of the competition that concluded in May.

For further information, visit the FC Barcelona website.

