Propers Actes
De Thu, 06 Febrero hasta Thu, 13 Marzo
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Nuevo ciclo: Inteligencia artificial y arquitectura....
Nuevo ciclo: Inteligencia...
El COAC participa en la 1a edició del saló "Architectatwork"
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
El passat 29 i 30 de març, el COAC va ser present a la primera edició del saló ArchitectAtWork Barcelona, el primer que s'ha fet a l'estat espanyol. Més de 140 empreses del sector van tenir l'oportunitat de presentar el seu producte més innovador davant de més de 2.000 assistents, entre arquitectes i interioristes.
ArchitectAtWork és un nou concepte de saló que té per objectiu donar a conèixer les últimes tendències de productes amb un format homogeni per a totes les empreses i en un ambient distès i relaxat que facilita el networking entre professionals i empreses. El programa de la fira es va complementar amb conferències paral·leles i exposicions sobre "Aigua i Arquitectura", el tema escollit per a la present edició.
El COAC va voler ser-hi present presentant els diferents serveis que formen la línia estratègica de Formació i Ocupació de la institució. En aquest sentit, es va poder donar informació dels diferents cursos que imparteix l'Escola Sert, del servei d'Internacional i de la Borsa de Treball. El saló també va servir per explicar les diferents opcions de col·legiació que el COAC ofereix segons la situació laboral del professional. Així mateix, des del Servei de Relacions Corporatives es va poder donar resposta a les diferents peticions de les empreses per donar a conèixer els seus productes entre els més de 10.000 arquitectes col·legiats.
ArchitectAtWork és un saló que des del 2003 es realitza a diferents ciutats europees amb l'objectiu de presentar nous productes entre els professionals del sector. Londres, París, Berlín, Estocolm són només alguns noms de les ciutats que han albergat aquest saló i que any rere any es van repetint gràcies a la bona acollida i participació.
Per veure fotografies de l'esdeveniment i tenir més informació cliqueu aquí.
ArchitectAtWork és un nou concepte de saló que té per objectiu donar a conèixer les últimes tendències de productes amb un format homogeni per a totes les empreses i en un ambient distès i relaxat que facilita el networking entre professionals i empreses. El programa de la fira es va complementar amb conferències paral·leles i exposicions sobre "Aigua i Arquitectura", el tema escollit per a la present edició.
El COAC va voler ser-hi present presentant els diferents serveis que formen la línia estratègica de Formació i Ocupació de la institució. En aquest sentit, es va poder donar informació dels diferents cursos que imparteix l'Escola Sert, del servei d'Internacional i de la Borsa de Treball. El saló també va servir per explicar les diferents opcions de col·legiació que el COAC ofereix segons la situació laboral del professional. Així mateix, des del Servei de Relacions Corporatives es va poder donar resposta a les diferents peticions de les empreses per donar a conèixer els seus productes entre els més de 10.000 arquitectes col·legiats.
ArchitectAtWork és un saló que des del 2003 es realitza a diferents ciutats europees amb l'objectiu de presentar nous productes entre els professionals del sector. Londres, París, Berlín, Estocolm són només alguns noms de les ciutats que han albergat aquest saló i que any rere any es van repetint gràcies a la bona acollida i participació.
Per veure fotografies de l'esdeveniment i tenir més informació cliqueu aquí.
We have reached 10,000 members!
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
As of this March, the Architects’ Association represents 10,000 architect members, a number that was only reached for short periods in 2008 and 2011 when the momentum of the economic growth of the early 2000s was still carrying over.
In later periods, requests for new membership reached a standstill and even fell, at some points, although only marginally, since the number of members never dropped below 9,500. Following that phase, in recent years the trend toward growth has been reinstated: last year a total of 401 architects joined the Association.
Our membership is getting younger, and the future will be marked by a growing presence of women
In the past two years, the typical new member profile has been a young architect (45% are under 30 and 42% are between 30 and 40 years of age). In terms of gender, the presence of women has seen a clear increase, a situation that can also be seen in the student body at architecture schools. Fifty-five per cent of new association members are men, whereas forty-five per cent are women. These percentages show a shifting trend when compared with the current census of association members (up to the present, women have made up only 30% of members).
Working together to meet future challenges
The Association has responded to recent years of forced transformation in the profession with a strategy founded on four main pillars: professional support, advancement in terms of training and occupation, the promotion of architecture, and representation of the collective.
In this context, increasing our numbers to 10,000—in addition to strengthening our position as a collective—will help us to take on the many challenges we are now facing. Some examples include achieving an improved standing for our profession, contributing to promoting urban renewal policies and actions, or working to ensure decent housing conditions.
In later periods, requests for new membership reached a standstill and even fell, at some points, although only marginally, since the number of members never dropped below 9,500. Following that phase, in recent years the trend toward growth has been reinstated: last year a total of 401 architects joined the Association.
Our membership is getting younger, and the future will be marked by a growing presence of women
In the past two years, the typical new member profile has been a young architect (45% are under 30 and 42% are between 30 and 40 years of age). In terms of gender, the presence of women has seen a clear increase, a situation that can also be seen in the student body at architecture schools. Fifty-five per cent of new association members are men, whereas forty-five per cent are women. These percentages show a shifting trend when compared with the current census of association members (up to the present, women have made up only 30% of members).
Working together to meet future challenges
The Association has responded to recent years of forced transformation in the profession with a strategy founded on four main pillars: professional support, advancement in terms of training and occupation, the promotion of architecture, and representation of the collective.
In this context, increasing our numbers to 10,000—in addition to strengthening our position as a collective—will help us to take on the many challenges we are now facing. Some examples include achieving an improved standing for our profession, contributing to promoting urban renewal policies and actions, or working to ensure decent housing conditions.
Professional associations collaborate with BCN Ciutat Refugi (BCN Refugee City) to promote work insertion for refugees and immigrants
© Ajuntament de Barcelona
On Tuesday, 28 March, the League of Professional Associations of Catalonia—of which the Architects’ Association is a member, along with 100 other professional associations—and Barcelona City Council signed an agreement to bring refugees and immigrants living in Barcelona into contact with the professional associations in their areas of professional activity, with the aim of improving those groups’ personal and professional integration in the city. The spokesman for the Governing Board of the COAC, Enric Mir, represented the Association at the signing of the agreement.
Joint efforts in support of social inclusion
With the common goal of helping refugees integrate into the labour market, the League of Professional Associations and the City Council will develop protocols to help asylum seekers to contact their respective professional associations. There will also be qualitative and quantitative follow-up focused on the actions undertaken.
With these efforts, the City Council hopes to promote the participation of all interested associations in providing support for refugees and immigrants. Given the difficulties experienced by those groups in accessing the labour market, the aim is to join forces to improve their employability.
The dean of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia, Lluís Comerón, has very positive views of the initiative, which will help to build bridges between immigrants and professional associations and their members.
Joint efforts in support of social inclusion
With the common goal of helping refugees integrate into the labour market, the League of Professional Associations and the City Council will develop protocols to help asylum seekers to contact their respective professional associations. There will also be qualitative and quantitative follow-up focused on the actions undertaken.
With these efforts, the City Council hopes to promote the participation of all interested associations in providing support for refugees and immigrants. Given the difficulties experienced by those groups in accessing the labour market, the aim is to join forces to improve their employability.
The dean of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia, Lluís Comerón, has very positive views of the initiative, which will help to build bridges between immigrants and professional associations and their members.
The COAC accompanies the Catalan delegation to MIPIM
© Incasòl
The dean of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia, Lluís Comerón, joined the Catalan delegation at MIPIM, the world’s leading property market, which took place from Tuesday, 14 March, to Friday, 17 March, in Cannes (France).
The Catalan delegation was led by the Minister for Territory and Sustainability, Josep Rull; the Councillor for Architecture, Urban Landscape and Heritage at Barcelona City Council, Daniel Mòdol; and the director of Incasòl, Damià Calvet, who travelled to MIPIM to promote the development of new strategic projects in Catalonia, especially in the Barcelona metropolitan area, and the logistics infrastructure associated with the Corredor Mediterrani train line.
Round table on innovation and architecture
In the context of the exhibition, on Tuesday, 14 March, at the Barcelona-Catalonia stand, Lluís Comerón moderated a round table dealing with innovation in Barcelona’s 22@ district. Participants in the round table included urban planning advisor at the Barcelona City Council, David Martínez; the architect, partner at GINA Barcelona Architects and director of BAAS Arquitectura, Jordi Badia; the architect and director of projects for Pich Aguilera, Jordi Paris; and the founder of the architecture firm BCQ, Toni Casamor.
In his speech, the dean pointed out that “architects have played a decisive role in the introduction of new models for urban planning, management and technological infrastructures for the future”. Comerón also added that “thanks to quality architecture, the 22@ district has been a success, which made economic growth compatible with the knowledge economy and innovation”.
The main goal of the Barcelona-Catalonia stand at MIPIM, which became a point of reference with regard to design, was to promote Catalonia as one of the best investment destinations in Europe. Attendees from all over the world were introduced to the economic appeal of Catalonia through six round tables that analysed, among other things, Barcelona’s urban model or the economic opportunities in the city’s metropolitan area.
This year, nearly 23,000 participants from 90 countries attended MIPIM, along with 2,600 exhibitor companies and more than 5,300 international investors.
The Catalan delegation was led by the Minister for Territory and Sustainability, Josep Rull; the Councillor for Architecture, Urban Landscape and Heritage at Barcelona City Council, Daniel Mòdol; and the director of Incasòl, Damià Calvet, who travelled to MIPIM to promote the development of new strategic projects in Catalonia, especially in the Barcelona metropolitan area, and the logistics infrastructure associated with the Corredor Mediterrani train line.
Round table on innovation and architecture
In the context of the exhibition, on Tuesday, 14 March, at the Barcelona-Catalonia stand, Lluís Comerón moderated a round table dealing with innovation in Barcelona’s 22@ district. Participants in the round table included urban planning advisor at the Barcelona City Council, David Martínez; the architect, partner at GINA Barcelona Architects and director of BAAS Arquitectura, Jordi Badia; the architect and director of projects for Pich Aguilera, Jordi Paris; and the founder of the architecture firm BCQ, Toni Casamor.
In his speech, the dean pointed out that “architects have played a decisive role in the introduction of new models for urban planning, management and technological infrastructures for the future”. Comerón also added that “thanks to quality architecture, the 22@ district has been a success, which made economic growth compatible with the knowledge economy and innovation”.
The main goal of the Barcelona-Catalonia stand at MIPIM, which became a point of reference with regard to design, was to promote Catalonia as one of the best investment destinations in Europe. Attendees from all over the world were introduced to the economic appeal of Catalonia through six round tables that analysed, among other things, Barcelona’s urban model or the economic opportunities in the city’s metropolitan area.
This year, nearly 23,000 participants from 90 countries attended MIPIM, along with 2,600 exhibitor companies and more than 5,300 international investors.