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Propers Actes

  • The COAC's Historical Archive on Instagram

    Entering this social network will help disseminate the wealth of documents held in the Historical and Photographic Archive, which currently holds close to two million documented items —plans, maps, sketches, drawings, publications, photographs, correspondence, audiovisual records, etc.—a result, mainly, of donations, making it a reference centre for academics and architects from all over the world, as well as representing an asset of incalculable value.


  • Convening of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of...

    The Girona branch office of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia is convening the 19th edition of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona, with the aim of evaluating the architecture carried out within the branch’s region, in order to demonstrate the quality and precision of its professionals.


  • Works of art from the COAC's Historical Archive to be...

    From 18 January until 3 April the exhibition 'Una col·lecció per a un viatge. Promoció d’arquitectes Barcelona 1960' (Collection for a trip. Barcelona architects 1960) can be visited at the Vila Casas Foundation’s Can Framis Museum. 


  • Finalists chosen for the architectural contest of the new Camp...

    The jury has chosen the finalists of the architectural contest for the new Camp Nou and the new Palau Blaugrana, who will now develop their proposals, during the second phase of the selection process. From among 45 proposals, 8 teams have been selected for the new Estadium and 6 for the new Palau Blaugrana. The selection has been based on the recommendations made by the technical committee, composed of seven members of FC Barcelona and two representatives of the COAC.


  • The Catalan Government approves the Architecture Bill

    The Architecture Bill establishes the public nature of architecture and develops measures for its promotion and dissemination, as well as for the fostering and encouragement of architectural quality. The Bill moves on to the Parliament, where we expect its proceedings during the upcoming term.Read here the text approved on August 4, 2015.


  • The new Correspondents' Journal is available

    The journal is part of the website arquitectes.cat, and its aim is to approach the reality of the cities and countries that constitute the COAC Correspondents' Network, creating an opinion space where our correspondents write about issues related to architecture from a professional point of view, while including also cultural and social issues.


  • The COAC has awarded the 2015 Grants for Local and...

    The COAC has awarded the 2015 Cooperation Grants for local and international development projects related to architecture and urbanism.The Jury has assessed the eight proposals that were submitted, considering the architecture, the use of local materials, social participation, and.compliance criteria.Thus, grants were awarded to the following projects:


  • The European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention has...

    On June 12th, the jury announced the winners of the 2nd AADIPA European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention. During the award ceremony, which took place at the COAC Auditorium, the names of the 14 finalists and 5 winners were announced.


  • Collaboration agreement between COAC and Bentley

    COAC has signed an agreement with the American company Bentley, whereby COAC becomes an official Bentley Select centre for training in AECOsim, Bentley's BIM software.

