Quaderns: more issues available online
As of now, issues 261 (2011) to 264 (2012) of 'Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme' are available online.
This new addition of journal issues is added to the digitization carried out by the COAC Library in previous years. Currently, full texts of all issues from 1 (1944) up to 264 (2012) of the journal are available on our website.
Throughout 2014, all this volume of information has generated 143,829 online visits from around the world.
The three most read articles in 2014 are:
- 'Guia de arquitectura de Barcelona / 1716-1977' with 1823 visits
- 'El Plà Macià o la nova Barcelona: 1931-1938' with 1373 visits
- 'Arquitectura del siglo XX en la isla de Ibiza' with 871 visits
You can access the texts both on the Quaderns website and the RACO repository. In addition, you can also access them through the COAC Library catalogue. When the information you're searching is on a journal article, you will find a direct link to the full text.