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Propers Actes

  • Quaderns: more issues available online

    As of now, issues 261 (2011) to 264 (2012) of 'Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme' are available online.This new addition of journal issues is added to the digitization carried out by the COAC Library in previous years. Currently, full texts of all issues from 1 (1944) up to 264 (2012) of the journal are available on our website.


  • 2015 Local Elections: Building Better Towns

    Catalan municipalities, immersed in a process of major transformation and within a crisis that has strongly affected its inhabitants, face needs and opportunities of unknown intensity in the field of urban regeneration.


  • St George's Day at COAC

    On April 23, like every year, the COAC will be celebrating St George's Day with a special programme of activities.At the headquarters in Barcelona, bookstalls ​​shall be installed from early morning by Cooperativa Jordi Capell and AJAC Association, with special offers and discounts. As is tradition, the Cooperativa has invited all the architects who have recently published a book to sign copies between 12 and 2 pm.


  • COAC Grants for Local and International Cooperation 2015

    With the aim of enhancing the social commitment of architecture, COAC announces the 4th edition of the COAC grants for local and international development projects related to architecture and urban planning. These awards reflect the COAC's commitment to devote 0.7% of its yearly budget to cooperation.Associations, charities, foundations and other nonprofit organizations working in the field of development cooperation and having architects among their collaborators are eligible for the COAC grants.


  • The COAC Historical Archive contributes to the 'Flashback...

    The new exhibition "Flashback" opens in La Pedrera on March the 11th. "Flashback", which is a retrospective of the work of publicist, photographer, poet and gourmet Leopoldo Pomés, will be open until July the 12th.


  • Catalan architects in the World

    On February 24th the COAC held the awards ceremony of the First "Mostra" Exhibition of International Catalan Architecture. 73 architectural works were submitted to the "International Mostra", which include residential and non-residential works by public and private developers; landscape interventions and urban planning projects carried out between September 2004 and December 2013. During the event, the Innovation Award of Banco Sabadell Foundation was also delivered.


  • Model of Barcelona: a new permanent installation

    The Architects' Association of Catalonia presents a new permanent installation on the City of Barcelona, which can be visited in the headquarters' lobby. This installation consists of a model of Barcelona, at 1/4,000 scale, on which audiovisual projections are screened through mapping technology, thus explaining different ideas and concepts about our city and its history.


  • COAC collaborates with 'La rosa di fuoco' exhibition...

    The COAC's Historical Archive collaborates with the upcoming exhibition 'La rosa di fuoco. La Barcellona di Picasso e Gaudi', which will open in Ferrara's Palazzo dei Diamanti (Italy) on April the 19th.The exhibition features nearly 130 works, including paintings by Catalan artists Ramon Casas, Santiago Rusiñol, Joaquim Mir and Isidre Nonell, as well as sculptures, drawings, photographs, decorative artworks and jewels.


  • BBB Construmat holds a competition with the support of COAC...

    Beyond Building Barcelona Construmat, with the support of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC) and its Group of Young Architects (AJAC), organizes the Beyond Building Barcelona Construmat Competition of Ideas for the design of the showroom in the upcoming Construmat Fair, which will be held in May 2015.

