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Propers Actes

  • Award-winning projects at the 19th edition of the...

    Award-winning projects at the 19th edition of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona On 3 June 2016, the Girona branch of the Architects' Association held the award-giving ceremony for the 19th edition of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona.


  • 9th Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture

    From September 29th to October 1st, the Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture will be held at Palau de la Música Catalana. The Biennial will also be broadcast live at the COAC Auditorium.Tomorrow Landscapes


  • Architecture Congress 2016. Constructing and disseminating a...

    This year, the Architects’ Association of Catalonia is organising an Architecture Congress which will provide a meeting place for professionals, the general public and institutions to move forward with a new positioning of architecture that facilitates better responses to the new social, environmental and economic challenges facing society now and in the future.


  • Competition rules published for the Les Glòries public housing...

    The Barcelona Municipal Housing Board has convened, in association with the Architects' Association, an international tender to choose the design of a collection of public housing that needs to be constructed in the Les Glòries area, specifically in the block formed by the streets of Castillejos, Casp, Plaça de les Glòries and Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes.


  • Rosa Barba Landscape Prize finalists

    The Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize is part of the 9th International Biennial of Landscape Architecture, which will be held in Barcelona on 29, 30 September and 1 October 2016. Once closed the call for submission of projects, the Jury selected 10 finalists, who will be presenting their projects during the Biennial.


  • Presentation of the international tender for public housing in...

    As part of the 2016 Architecture Congress, on Tuesday 7 June there was a presentation in COAC's auditorium of the tender for projects to construct public housing in Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, convened by Barcelona's City Council.


  • The COAC supports the campaign to remodel Via Laietana

    The Architects’ Association of Catalonia, through its Barcelona branch, has joined local traders and residents in calling for a remodelling of Via Laietana to make it a civic hub for Ciutat Vella. 


  • Audience with the President of the Catalan Government, Carles...

    On Wednesday, 13 April, in the Palau de la Generalitat, a meeting took place between the President of the Government, Carles Puigdemont, the Dean of the Architects' Association of Catalonia, Lluís Comeron, and the Secretary of the Governing Board, Assumpció Puig.


  • New call for COAC grants for local and international...

    In its desire to maintain the visibility of architecture's social commitment, the Architect’s Association of Catalonia is, for the fifth year running, opening the call for grants for local and international development projects related to architecture, urban planning and the social function of architects. The awarding of these grants reflects the commitment of the Association to devote 0.7% of its Central Services' annual budget to social causes.

