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The European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention has been awarded on June 12th

© Jordi Pareto
On June 12th, the jury announced the winners of the 2nd AADIPA European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention. During the award ceremony, which took place at the COAC Auditorium, the names of the 14 finalists and 5 winners were announced.

The awards were presented by the Catalan Minister of Culture, Ferran Mascarell; the dean of the COAC, Lluís Comeron; and the president of the Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage (AADIPA), Antoni Vilanova.

The members of the international jury panel highlighted the quality of the projects, as well as the great diversity, character and scale of the works in terms of maintaining, rehabilitating and highlighting European architecture.

The winners of each of the four categories were:

1. Intervention in Existing Architectural Heritage 

· Ceuta Public Library,  by Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos (Spain).
· E / C house, by  SAMI Arquitectes. Ines Vieira da Silva and Miguel Vieira (Portugal).

The jury members, architects Anton Capitel, Toni Girones and Malgorzata Rozbicka, evaluated 117 projects.

2. Exterior Spaces 

· Intervention in the Caaveiro Monastery surroundings, by Isabel Aguirre Urcola and Celestino Garcia Braña (Spain).

The jury members, architects Joaquin Perez, Jose Luis Infanzon and Giuseppe Lonetti, evaluated 32 projects.

3. Urban Planning 

· Masterplan for the city of Monza, by Ubistudio (Italy).

The jury members, architects Antoni Vilanova, Sonia Puente Landazuri and Cristopher Graz, evaluated 8 projects.

4. Outreach and dissemination

· Almeida/Ciudad Rodrigo – A fortificaçao da Raia Central, by Fernando Cobos (Spain) and Joao Campos (Portugal).

The jury members, architects Raquel Lacuesta and Miguel Angel Troitiño evaluated 27 works.

The 2nd AADIPA European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention, led by Ramon Calonge, Oriol Cusido, Marc Manzano and Jordi Portal, members of the AADIPA (Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage), has seen an international participation level which is four times higher than the first year. With a total of almost 200 projects from 25 countries, the award has consolidated its position and permanence, confirming its international appeal.

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