Competition for the renovation of the COAC facade
Christian Ribas © Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
Object of the competition
The object of the competition, presented at the Association headquarters on January 14th, is to select the best tender for the facade renovation, which must follow certain criteria when reinterpreting the look and materials used in the original 1962 project by Xavier Busquets, while simultaneously improving on building performance in terms of environmental and energy efficiency, insulation, noise control and ease of maintenance.
The competition is open to all Association members with legal capacity to practice the profession, and it will consist of two phases. The winner will receive €4,500 (VAT excluded) in fees and will be commissioned with drawing up the basic and executive report and carrying out the health and safety assessment and the preliminary study, including scaffolding assembly as well as works management.
Composition of the Jury
For the first phase of the competition, three types of participation have been established: based on the amount of proven experience (categories A and B) or based on ideas, proposals and reflections on the object of the tender (category C). Based on the documentation presented by the participants, the Jury will select four finalists for category A, four for category B and four for category C.
The Jury will be chaired by Lluís Comerón, dean of the Association. The other members will be Rafael Moneo Vallés, architect; Carme Pigem Barceló, architect; Elisabeth Capdeferro Pla, architect; Albert Cuchí Burgos, architect; Carlos Ferrater Lambarri, architect, President of the Barcelona Urban Habitat Council; Anna Tostoes, architect, President of DOCOMOMO International; Fernando Marzá, architect, member of the COAC Governing Board; Manuel Ruisánchez, architect, member of the COAC Governing Board; Enric Mir, architect, member of the COAC Governing Board; and Assumpció Puig, Secretary of the COAC, acting as Secretary, who will be a member but will not vote.
Presentation ceremony
Over two hundred architects attended the presentation ceremony, at which the dean of the Architects' Association of Catalonia, Lluís Comerón, stated that there is no better time than now to renovate the Plaça Nova headquarters, in order to highlight the repositioning of the architects' work. He also emphasised the collective duty to maintain and rehabilitate architectural heritage, providing solutions that were not available 50 years ago, due to lack of technology.
Also present at the event was Rafael Moneo, who asserted that 'a competition is necessary in order to figure out what to do. It is the best way to tackle a project'. Meanwhile, Carlos Ferrater stressed that we 'must go to the essence of a building and respect the ideas of the original project, the photos and the original plans, which will surely help'. This idea was reiterated by Ana Tostoes, who emphasised the symbolic value of Busquets' building. Finally, Xavier Monteys stated that 'the renovation of the facade is also an opportunity to renew and promote the union of Culture and Politics'.
The object of the competition, presented at the Association headquarters on January 14th, is to select the best tender for the facade renovation, which must follow certain criteria when reinterpreting the look and materials used in the original 1962 project by Xavier Busquets, while simultaneously improving on building performance in terms of environmental and energy efficiency, insulation, noise control and ease of maintenance.
The competition is open to all Association members with legal capacity to practice the profession, and it will consist of two phases. The winner will receive €4,500 (VAT excluded) in fees and will be commissioned with drawing up the basic and executive report and carrying out the health and safety assessment and the preliminary study, including scaffolding assembly as well as works management.
Composition of the Jury
For the first phase of the competition, three types of participation have been established: based on the amount of proven experience (categories A and B) or based on ideas, proposals and reflections on the object of the tender (category C). Based on the documentation presented by the participants, the Jury will select four finalists for category A, four for category B and four for category C.
The Jury will be chaired by Lluís Comerón, dean of the Association. The other members will be Rafael Moneo Vallés, architect; Carme Pigem Barceló, architect; Elisabeth Capdeferro Pla, architect; Albert Cuchí Burgos, architect; Carlos Ferrater Lambarri, architect, President of the Barcelona Urban Habitat Council; Anna Tostoes, architect, President of DOCOMOMO International; Fernando Marzá, architect, member of the COAC Governing Board; Manuel Ruisánchez, architect, member of the COAC Governing Board; Enric Mir, architect, member of the COAC Governing Board; and Assumpció Puig, Secretary of the COAC, acting as Secretary, who will be a member but will not vote.
Presentation ceremony
Over two hundred architects attended the presentation ceremony, at which the dean of the Architects' Association of Catalonia, Lluís Comerón, stated that there is no better time than now to renovate the Plaça Nova headquarters, in order to highlight the repositioning of the architects' work. He also emphasised the collective duty to maintain and rehabilitate architectural heritage, providing solutions that were not available 50 years ago, due to lack of technology.
Also present at the event was Rafael Moneo, who asserted that 'a competition is necessary in order to figure out what to do. It is the best way to tackle a project'. Meanwhile, Carlos Ferrater stressed that we 'must go to the essence of a building and respect the ideas of the original project, the photos and the original plans, which will surely help'. This idea was reiterated by Ana Tostoes, who emphasised the symbolic value of Busquets' building. Finally, Xavier Monteys stated that 'the renovation of the facade is also an opportunity to renew and promote the union of Culture and Politics'.
Se pone en marcha el Grupo de trabajo de expertos en instalaciones del COAC
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
El Colegio de Arquitectos ha constituido un Grupo de trabajo especializado en Instalaciones, abierto a todos los arquitectos colegiados que estén interesados en las instalaciones arquitectónicas. El Grupo tiene como objetivo promover el conocimiento y la innovación en esta especialización, ya sea a través de actividades de difusión (jornadas, seminarios, divulgación tecnológica etc.) como otras más técnicas relacionadas con el ejercicio de la profesión ( normativa, competencias e internacionalización, entre las más destacadas).
La creación de los Grupos de trabajo del COAC es una nueva iniciativa que el Colegio pone en marcha para ayudar a los colegiados a mejorar su competitividad y compartir conocimientos en determinadas áreas de la profesión en las que hacerlo puede suponer un valor añadido importante para el colectivo.
Si estáis interesados en formar parte del Grupo de trabajo especializado en Instalaciones, podéis enviar la solicitud por correo electrónico.
El próximo 13 de Marxo a las 17 h se presentará el grupo en la sede del Colegio de Arquitectos en plaza Nova.
La creación de los Grupos de trabajo del COAC es una nueva iniciativa que el Colegio pone en marcha para ayudar a los colegiados a mejorar su competitividad y compartir conocimientos en determinadas áreas de la profesión en las que hacerlo puede suponer un valor añadido importante para el colectivo.
Si estáis interesados en formar parte del Grupo de trabajo especializado en Instalaciones, podéis enviar la solicitud por correo electrónico.
El próximo 13 de Marxo a las 17 h se presentará el grupo en la sede del Colegio de Arquitectos en plaza Nova.
Es posa en marxa el Grup de treball d'experts en instal·lacions del COAC
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
El Col·legi d'Arquitectes ha constituït un Grup de treball especialitzat en Instal·lacions, obert a tots els arquitectes col·legiats que estiguin interessats en les instal·lacions arquitectòniques. El Grup té com a objectiu promoure el coneixement i la innovació en aquesta especialització, ja sigui a través d'activitats de difusió (jornades, seminaris, divulgació tecnològica etc.) com d'altres més tècniques relacionades amb l'exercici de la professió (normativa, competències i internacionalització, entre les més destacades).
La creació dels Grups de treball del COAC és una nova iniciativa que el Col·legi posa en marxa per ajudar els col·legiats a millorar la seva competitivitat i compartir coneixements en determinades àrees de la professió en les quals fer-ho pot suposar un valor afegit important per al col·lectiu.
Si voleu formar part del Grup de treball especialitzat en Instal·lacions, podeu fer la sol·licitud per correu electrònic.
El proper 13 de març a les 17 h tindrà lloc la presentació del grup a la seu del Col·legi d'Arquitectes a plaça Nova.
La creació dels Grups de treball del COAC és una nova iniciativa que el Col·legi posa en marxa per ajudar els col·legiats a millorar la seva competitivitat i compartir coneixements en determinades àrees de la professió en les quals fer-ho pot suposar un valor afegit important per al col·lectiu.
Si voleu formar part del Grup de treball especialitzat en Instal·lacions, podeu fer la sol·licitud per correu electrònic.
El proper 13 de març a les 17 h tindrà lloc la presentació del grup a la seu del Col·legi d'Arquitectes a plaça Nova.
Ley 2/1989 Comparecencia en el Parlament
© Parlament de Catalunya2003 - 2014
Comparecencia de Josep Llop Tous, presidente del Col.legi de Arquitectes de Tarragona, con relación al Proyecto de Ley de modificación de la ley 2/1989, de 16 de Febrero, sobre centros recreativos turísticos y de establecimiento de normas en materia de tributación, comercio y juego.