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Sede de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña

Visita guiada a la Sede del COAC Tarragona

Sede de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña © Demarcación de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña

El edificio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña a Tarragona, en el mismo coro del casco antiguo de la ciudad, fue encargado al arquitecto Rafael Moneo Vallés (premio Pritzker 1996).

La arquitectura, las masas del nuevo edificio, nacen, por un lado, de la condición arqueológica del solar y, por otra, de la necesidad de establecer una buena relación con el entorno existente. Todo esto implicaba tanto el respecto a la escala y en las alineaciones como la creación de espacios abiertos que al valoraran al potenciar su carácter público.

Visita guiada por el arquitecto Ramon Aloguín Pallach.

Hace falta inscripción previa. Plazas limitadas. Apúntate!



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Tarragona building of the College of Architects of Catalonia

Guided visit to the COAC Tarragona

Tarragona building of the College of Architects of Catalonia © Demarcation of Tarragona of the Tarragona Headquarters of the College of Architects of Catalonia

The building of the College of Architects of Catalonia in Tarragona, in the same choir of the old part of the city, was entrusted to the architect Rafael Moneo Vallés (Pritzker Prize 1996).

The architecture, the masses of the new building, arise, on the one hand, from the archaeological condition of the site and, on the other, from the need to establish a good relationship with the existing environment. All this implied both respect for the scale and alignments as well as the creation of open spaces that were valued by enhancing their public nature.

Guided tour by the architect Ramon Aloguín Pallach.

Prior registration is required. Limited places. Sign up!



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Seu de Tarragona del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya

Visita guiada a la Seu del COAC Tarragona

Seu de Tarragona del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya © Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya

L’edifici del Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya a Tarragona, en el mateix cor del casc antic de la ciutat, va ser encarregat a l’arquitecte Rafael Moneo Vallés (premi Pritzker 1996).

L’arquitectura, les masses del nou edifici, neixen, d’una banda, de la condició arqueològica del solar i, per una altra, de la necessitat d’establir una bona relació amb l’entorn existent. Tot això implicava tant el respecte a l’escala i en les alineacions com la creació d’espais oberts que al valoressin en potenciar el seu caràcter públic.

Visita guiada per l'arquitecte Ramon Aloguín i Pallach.

Cal inscripció prèvia. Places limitades. Apunta-t’hi!



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Exhibition XII Biennal Alejandro de la Sota

XII Biennal Alejandro de la Sota, in Reus

Exhibition XII Biennal Alejandro de la Sota. © Demarcation of Tarragona of the College of Architects of Catalonia
The exhibition of XII BIENNAL ALEJANDRO DE LA SOTA - ARCHITECTURE EXHIBITION OF TARRAGONA shows the projects presented in this contest which aims to distinguish the most significant works that have been built in the 2019-2020 biennium in the territorial scope of the Demarcation (Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat and Tarragonès).

It can be seen from January 24 to February 24, 2023, at the School of Art and Design in Reus.

Conference of this traveling exhibition on February 9, 2023 at 7 p.m.,
with the intervention of Víctor Pujol Hugàs, member of the board of the Tarragona Region of the Association of Architects of Catalonia, and Núria Salvadó, architect of 'Ca La Closa, una casa amb dos refugis' in La Morera del Montsant, an award-winning work in the category of new-floor buildings for private use.

This year, of the 55 works entered in this Exhibition, the jury has decided to select 23, of which 13 have gone on to the next phase as finalist works. Finally, the jury has decided to award 6 works as winners and 1 of them has simultaneously received the sixth Alejandro de la Sota Award.

This exhibition, conceived as an open system with the capacity to adopt various geometries and adapt to different spaces, shows six audiovisuals that respond to each of the categories of the Biennale.

Check out the selected works here.
Check out the award-winning works here.

See the gallery of all the projects here.


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