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Exposición "El material de lo construido"

Exposición "El material de lo construido"

Exposición "El material de lo construido"

La Demarcación de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña acoge la exposición “El material de lo construido”, que se podrá visitar del 1 de junio al 25 de julio de 2023, a la sala de exposiciones.

“El material de lo construido” integra una muestra itinerante así como una homónima colección de libros que presenta a estudios arquitectónicos destacados por el “buen construir”, condición clave para conseguir la “sustentabilidad arquitectónica”, esencial del pensamiento proyectual centrada en el desarrollo constructivo y material.

El jueves día 1 de junio de 2023, a las 19 h, al salón de actos del COAC Tarragona, se hará la inauguración de la exposición con la conferencia “Sedimentos” de NUA Arquitecturas. También se presentará el volumen 04 de la colección.


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Exhibition "The material of the construction"

Exhibition "The material of the construction"

Exhibition "The material of the construction"

The Tarragona Region of the College of Architects of Catalonia hosts the exhibition "El material de lo construido", which can be visited from June 1 to July 25, 2023, in the exhibition hall.

"El material de lo construido" integrates a traveling exhibition as well as a collection of books of the same name that presents architectural studies outstanding for "good construction", a key condition for achieving "architectural sustainability", essential for project thinking focused on constructive and material development.

On Thursday, June 1, 2023, at 7 p.m., in the assembly hall of the COAC Tarragona, the opening of the exhibition will take place with the "Sediments" conference by NUA Arquitectures. Volume 04 of the collection will also be presented.


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Exposició "El material de lo construido"

Exposició "El material de lo construido"

Exposició "El material de lo construido"

La Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya acull l’exposició “El material de lo construido”, que es podrà visitar de l’1 de juny al 25 de juliol de 2023, a la sala d’exposicions.

“El material de lo construido” integra una mostra itinerant així com una homònima col·lecció de llibres que presenta a estudis arquitectònics destacats per el “bon construir”, condició clau per a aconseguir la “sustentabilitat arquitectònica”, essencial del pensament projectual centrada en el desenvolupament constructiu i material.

El dijous dia 1 de juny de 2023, a les 19 h, a la sala d’actes del COAC Tarragona, es farà la inauguració de l’exposició amb la conferència “Sediments” de NUA Arquitectures. També es presentarà el volum 04 de la col·lecció.


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Patronal Festival 2023 - COAC Tarragona

Patronal Festival 2023 - COAC Tarragona

Patronal Festival 2023 - COAC Tarragona. Pere Mata Institute © Photograph of Reus City Council

The Tarragona Demarcation of the College of Architects of Catalonia invites you to the Patronal Festival that will take place next Friday, June 2, 2023 at the Pere Mata Institute in Reus (Carretera Instituto Pere Mata, 6).


6:00 p.m.
Beginning of the guided tours of the interior of the building.
Prior registration is required to visit tarragona@coac.net. The places are limited. Different visiting shifts will be made and the assigned time will be communicated once the place is confirmed.

8:00 p.m.
Welcome by the president of the Tarragona Demarcation of the COAC.
Talk by the architect Anton Pàmies.
Recognition of the architects of the Demarcation with 25 years of membership.
Closing of the event by the Mayor of Reus, Carles Pellicer and Punyed.

9:00 p.m.
Informal dinner outside the Pere Mata Institute.

To access the dinner, collegiate and accompanying person, it is essential to register before tuesday, May 30, 2023 by sending an email to tarragona@coac.net.

Download the program

With the registration to the act, express consent is given for the processing of personal data, which implies the acceptance of taking photographs and videos of the act, and the subsequent dissemination on social media. You can expressly communicate your refusal to give consent at the time of registration. You can request additional and detailed information on data protection to the same registration email.

As it is a property with patrimonial value, attendees are asked to take care of the facilities and follow at all times the indications offered by authorized personnel, to guarantee safety and avoid any type of damage or deterioration in the building and the environment. It reserves the right of admission.



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