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Conferència de l'arquitecte Taku Sakaushi al COAC

© Taku Sakaushi
El dijous 23 de juliol l'arquitecte Taku Sakaushi oferirà* una conferència a la Sala d'Actes del COAC, titulada Connections, presentat pel també arquitecte Enric Massip-Bosch.

Kazuo Shinohara, as he designed Fissure Space, wrote that although Fissure Space looks like it disconnects spaces on both sides, in fact it creates a connection between those spaces. That`s true indeed. It is normally thought that continuity between two points should be stronger with nothing in between than with something. If there is something it breaks the continuity. 
But is that true? Although physically it seems true, psychologically it is not always true. It could be said that something between two spaces sometimes could work as the device which connects them. 
Isn't architecture something that attains this kind of connection? 
Isn't it the main role of architecture to connect people with people, people with things and things with things?

Taku Sakaushi, nascut a Tòquio, és arquitecte i doctor en investigació arquitectònica per la Universitat de Shinsu i professor de la Universitat Científica de Tòquio. Recentment ha obtingut el Premi internacional atorgat pel Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design per a la seva darrera obra al Japó, la Pine Gallery a Mito.
* La conferència serà en anglès.
Veure el vídeo de la conferència:
PDF version
