@ Taller d’Arquitectes Col•laboradors, s.l.p (left side) & Josep Llop Pastor, SL en col·laboració amb Franc Fernández i Fina Frontado, SCP (right side)
Collaboration with the Competitions Office of COAC
COAC is open to collaboration with public or private organizations to convene tenders or competitions with different levels of involvement
À la carte collaborations
A list of tasks to be selected by the organization which give rise to a collaboration agreement with the COAC: ·
- Drawing up administrative specifications according to the criteria agreed with the convening body, or reviewing the specifications drawn up by the latter, following the recommendations of the COAC and in accordance with the relevant legal framework.
- Drawing up the technical specifications or compiling all the documentation to be attached to it (photos, plans, schedule of requirements, etc.).
- Designing, hosting (if necessary) and maintaining a website for the tender.
- Translating the rules to Spanish and/or other languages that may be necessary.
- Dissemination of the call and its procedure on the existing website of the Competitions Office.
- Drawing up the contract/s for derivative works.
- Organisation of the Jury panel with the inclusion of skilled technicians and/or representatives of the COAC.
- Organization of the Committee of Experts responsible for appraising the technical bids and drawing up the relevant reports, with the inclusion of skilled technicians and/or representatives of the COAC.
- Management and coordination of documentation to be sent to bidders; answering queries made during the process within the deadlines established in the specifications; and issue of a list of queries and clarifications at the end of the consultation period.
- Organisation of a public event to announce the tender at the COAC headquarters or the office of the organising body.
- Provision of a space for the analysis of bids by the Technical Committee.
- Provision of a space for the Jury to conduct its sessions.
- Organisation of a public event to award the tender/prizes at the headquarters of the COAC or the office of the organising body.
- Exhibition of the finalists’ and winners’ proposals at the Association’s facilities.
- Preparation of a publication containing the submitted proposals.
Competitions' Office:
93 306 78 23