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Propers Actes

Marina Cervera
Architect and landscape architect. teaching at DUOT (UPC), MBLandArch and MLAE (FPC). IFLA Professional Practice.
Esther Ferrer
Collaborator of  the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture
Rita Piras
Bachelor of Architecture by Alghero University

Valentina Piliego

Bachelor of Architecture by Ferrara University, student of Màster d'Arquitectura del Paisatge (UPC)

Diana Zuñiga
Architect by Iberoamerican University, Campus León, Master in Restoration of architectural Monuments by UPC, student of Màster d'Arquitectura del Paisatge (UPC)
Wu Huan   吴焕
Architect by Tsinghua University of Beijing and Ph.d. candidate DUOT (UPC).
Qian Liyuan   钱丽源
Landscape architect by Sichuan Agricultural University and Ph.d. candidate at Department of Architectural Representation and Visual Analysis, ETSAB-UPC

















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