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The Historical Archive celebrates its 50th anniversary this year
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
The Historical Archive of the COAC is commemorating its 50 years of existence in 2019. With more than two million documents, spread between over 150 collections from different architectural practices, two photographic archives and various collections of images, plans and maps, the Archive has become a point of reference not only in Catalonia but also in Europe for studying Catalan architecture and the international influence of Catalan architecture firms.
The origins of the Archive
The Historical Archive of the COAC was officially founded in 1969 at the suggestion of architect Oriol Bohigas. The aim was to preserve and study the documented architectural heritage that the Architects’ Association had been safeguarding. The Archive was also intended to help the former Heritage Protection Committee and the Government Board in preparing the proceedings for the conservation of buildings at risk of demolition, as well as publicise this collective work by highlighting the social mission of its task.
A prestigious collection for both Catalonia and Europe
Since then, the Historical Archive has become the leading archive of professional architectural documents on the Iberian Peninsula, not to mention one of the most important in Europe.
In fact, the Historical Archive is the primary point of reference for Catalan architecture: Rationalism cannot be studied without consulting its collections, such as those of GATCPAC, Rodríguez Arias and Torres Clavé; and similarly, any researcher who wants to understand the international facet of Catalan architecture will need to study the work of Bonet Castellana, MBM and Manuel de Solà-Morales. Likewise, Gaudí-ism, with drawings and documents by Gaudí himself and his disciples Jujol, Sugrañes, Puig Boada and Berenguer, all form part of the COAC’s Archive.
A packed programme of activities to celebrate the anniversary
The COAC is preparing a packed programme of activities to celebrate this important anniversary. Most of them will take place in the autumn, including a commemorative exhibition in Plaça Nova, the publication of a monograph featuring drawings from the Archive’s collections, and a series of conferences.
A tribute to the photographic collection on the website
The Historical Archive boasts two very important collections of photography, Francesc Català-Roca and Oriol Maspons, as well as other collections. To showcase all these documents, the website and the COAC's Instagram profile will be posting images to illustrate news items and other information.
The origins of the Archive
The Historical Archive of the COAC was officially founded in 1969 at the suggestion of architect Oriol Bohigas. The aim was to preserve and study the documented architectural heritage that the Architects’ Association had been safeguarding. The Archive was also intended to help the former Heritage Protection Committee and the Government Board in preparing the proceedings for the conservation of buildings at risk of demolition, as well as publicise this collective work by highlighting the social mission of its task.
A prestigious collection for both Catalonia and Europe
Since then, the Historical Archive has become the leading archive of professional architectural documents on the Iberian Peninsula, not to mention one of the most important in Europe.
In fact, the Historical Archive is the primary point of reference for Catalan architecture: Rationalism cannot be studied without consulting its collections, such as those of GATCPAC, Rodríguez Arias and Torres Clavé; and similarly, any researcher who wants to understand the international facet of Catalan architecture will need to study the work of Bonet Castellana, MBM and Manuel de Solà-Morales. Likewise, Gaudí-ism, with drawings and documents by Gaudí himself and his disciples Jujol, Sugrañes, Puig Boada and Berenguer, all form part of the COAC’s Archive.
A packed programme of activities to celebrate the anniversary
The COAC is preparing a packed programme of activities to celebrate this important anniversary. Most of them will take place in the autumn, including a commemorative exhibition in Plaça Nova, the publication of a monograph featuring drawings from the Archive’s collections, and a series of conferences.
A tribute to the photographic collection on the website
The Historical Archive boasts two very important collections of photography, Francesc Català-Roca and Oriol Maspons, as well as other collections. To showcase all these documents, the website and the COAC's Instagram profile will be posting images to illustrate news items and other information.