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© Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya
Title: The Architecture of Libraries Recommendations for a Comprehensive Project
Author: Santi Romero
Format: pdf
Publication date: 2nd edition in Catalan: July 2004
ISBN: 978-84-96185-23-0
Languages: Catalan,  Spanish and English
Distributed by: Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya and Provincial Council                                                                                        



This is a specialist book on library facilities which aims to provide an instrument for the comprehensive planning of libraries based on joint projects involving architects, librarians and library users. The book, which is essentially designed for architects, can also help public or private developers when designing a library service and planning and building the facility. It provides an up-to-date monograph on the current situation of libraries in Spain, which fills a gap in publications specializing in this field. It is published in Catalan, Spanish and English. 

Title: Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya 1874-1962
Author: Enric Granell i Antoni Ramon
Format: Digital 
Publication date: Juliol 2012
ISBN: 978-84-96842-56-4
Languages:Català, castellà i anglès
Distributed by: Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya                                





This digital book was published to mark the 75th anniversary of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (even though its immediate predecessor, the Association of Catalan Architects, was founded back in 1874) and contains a full explanation of its history with a dual objective: on the one hand, to enrich the wealth of knowledge on the institution’s history, its members and its contributions, and on the other to provide the Association with a communication tool that helps to underline its current value deriving from its historical background. It is available in Catalan, Spanish and English. 
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