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Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral Arquitectes
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral...
Course: Architectural presentations and animations with Artlantis
Escola Sert organises a course on Architectural presentations and animations with agile procedures: Artlantis Studio (2nd edition), which will be starting on January 19th, 2015. With this training, you will be able to prepare images and animations for the presentation of architectural works based on geometric models.
This course is aimed at architects, other professionals and students interested in finishing architectural presentations with simple and inexpensive software. Especially aimed at professionals already familiar with three-dimensional modeling, and proposed as a continuation for the previous course "Geometric modeling with agile procedures: SketchUp".
With this training you will learn how to create scenes, perspectives, panoramas, VR objects and animations. You will learn how to control the lighting, both local and global light, as well as natural and artificial light. You will also learn how to import materials and how to create new ones from images and bitmaps, and you will be able to generate renderings, tours and sequences.
Further information and registration