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Follow the 'YES to Architecture' campaign

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

In the context of the preparation of the LCSP (Law on Professional Associations and Services), the Architects' Association of Catalonia has been working in order to support architecture and reveal the social role of architects. To this end, the COAC has made two videos, for which we are asking your help to disseminate.

The first video, What it is to be an Architect, is a Catalan adaptation of an original production by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), which was presented last June and is already proving to be a great success on social networks, where it has already been viewed 2,900 times. The other video sums up the YES to Architecture campaign, and has been visited over 1,800 times.

You can also download the YES to Architecture logo and use it as your screensaver or send it to your friends.

You can follow us on our Twitter account @COACatalunya with the hashtag #SÍalaArquitectura.
