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Avantguarda | [G] Debate group | Vicente Molina + Beatriz Borque + Flexo Arquitectura · 'where are we going?'

Avantguarda | [G] Debate group | Vicente Molina + Beatriz Borque + Flexo Arquitectura · 'where are we going?'

© Vicente Molina + Beatriz Borque + Flexo Arquitectura
Within the cultural program of the AVANTGUARDA cycle, we have the opportunity to participate in the debate group formed by Vicente Molina, architect and specialist in artificial intelligence, Beatriz Borque, architect and landscape designer and Aixa del Rey from Flexo Arquitectura, with the theme of experimentalism 'where are we going?'. The event will be moderated by Anna Castellà.

We will see the challenges of the future that contemporary cities face, if from architecture and urban planning we can imagine optimistic scenarios escaping from this dystopian vision with a lack of resources such as water and a polluted atmosphere.

Vicente Molina, architect of mtres studio in Madrid, is director of training courses on architecture and how to work with artificial intelligence.

Beatriz Borque, architect and landscape designer for the Escola Técnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) and the École National Supérieure de Paysage de Versailles (ENSP), is currently working on several architecture and landscaping projects. In addition to his professional practice in the studio, he also works in the theoretical and academic field.

Flexoarquitectura is a studio founded in 2002 by Tomeu Ramis, Aixa del Rey and Bárbara Vich, which since 2017 has been directed by Tomeu Ramis and Aixa del Rey. A study based in Barcelona interested in the capacity of any project to make sense within a particular cultural context utilising the resources – both conceptual and narrative- and the constrictions -technical, economical and material- as the opportunities from which to build the project’s strategies.

At the end of the debate there will be a dinner-colloquium with the speakers at the Barhaus restaurant. You can sign up by sending an email to comunicacio.tar@coac.netDinner price €22.

The AVANTGUARDA cycle is divided into four main sections: environmentalism, experimentalism, communicationism and academicism. The format of these four sections and on different days will be that of a conference [C], a debate group [G] and a master class [M] per month.



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