Propers Actes
Nuevo ciclo: Inteligencia artificial y arquitectura....
Nuevo ciclo: Inteligencia...
Debate on European Identity and European Architecture
The European Commission Representative in Barcelona and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe organize the debate “European Identity and European Architecture”, within the framework of the project “New Narratives for Europe”. The event will take place on November 28th at Mies van der Rohe Pavilion.
Leading European architects will discuss the ideas and values which define European Architecture and consider what these can tell us about the future of the European Union. For example, what are the distinguishing features of European architecture, and what do they tell us about the ideas, interests, needs and values of European society?
The architects participating in this event will be: Petra Ceferin, from Ljubljana; Peter Cachola Schmal, from Frankfurt; Caroline Bos, from Amsterdam; and Margarita Jover, from Barcelona. Journalist Llàtzer Moix will act as moderator.
50th Anniversary of the Gobierno Civil Building in Tarragona
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Gobierno Civil building in Tarragona, as well as the centenary of architect Alejandro de la Sota's birth. Therefore, the exhibition "100 years with Alejandro de la Sota" will open on November 18th. Our wish is that it will be as successful as earlier exhibitions in the CGAC and COAM.
The exhibition will open from November 18th until January 16th, 2015, from 9 am to 7 pm from Monday to Sunday. Guided tours are conducted on Saturdays at 10.30 am and 12.30 pm (with appointment only).
Organized by COAC together with the Government Subdelegation in Tarragona, and sponsored by Repsol, the Spanish Ministry of Development, BASF, ANAV and Zona Franca Consortium. Produced by ICO Foundation together with Alejandro de la Sota Foundation.
The exhibition features a chronological tour that includes works like Pueblo de Esquivel, Civil Government of Tarragona, Maravillas Gymnasium, Casa Dominguez, León Post Office, Alcudia housing and Central Lechera Clesa, with original drawings, photographs, models and furniture.
There will also be a series of conferences and debates related to the work of Alejandro de la Sota, with the participation of architects Mariano Bayon, Josep Llinas, Moises Puente, Santiago Barge Ferreiros and Jordi Guerrero.
Download the program of events here.
All events will take place in Subdelegación del Gobierno de Tarragona, except for the closing conference, which will be held in the Architect's Association's headquarters in Tarragona.
8th edition of the Girona Region Architecture Awards
Works which address different working scales, types of intervention and environments may be submitted, and will be assigned one of the following categories: Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape and Ephemeral Spaces.
This year, the jury is led by architect Matija Bevk (Slovenia) and vocals Anna Bach (Barcelona), Xevi Bayona (Olot) and Pere Joan Ravetllat (Barcelona), accompanied by a member of the Girona Association's Board.
On this occasion the awards are:
JURY AWARD: The jury will award a prize for each category: Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape, and Ephemeral Spaces
OPINION AWARD: Works selected by the jury are eligible for the 'Opinion Award of Culture and Industry', where professionals in cultural management and communication, on one hand, and technology and industrial production on the other, choose one work.
Call for submissions ends February 6th, 2015 at 2 pm.
For any further information about the awards, please contact the Culture Department of the Girona branch. Tel. 972 412 892 or
Contest Rules 2015
CaboSanRoque exponen en La Cova
Esta exposición forma parte del ciclo expositivo "La Cova sobre la Técnica", que ha programado el Departamento de Cultura de la Demarcación de Girona para este nuevo curso 2014/2015, y tiene por objetivo dar a conocer diferentes maneras de imaginar, proyectar, componer, montar, mezclar, construir, materializar y post-producir una obra.
'Patafísica del ruido
La exposición quiere mostrar los procesos de creación de las máquinas sonoras e instrumentos de CaboSanRoque, unas herramientas con forma de collages mecánicos, que se convierten en un medio de expresión único para cada proyecto. La construcción de estos artefactos se hace siempre a partir de objetos almacenados durante años en el taller, objetos que cargan sobre sus materiales la memoria de una vida obsoleta. Es la redención de los objetos a través de la 'patafísica del ruido.
La construcción de estos collages sonoros se produce siempre a través de un proceso que relaciona la física del sonido, la metafísica del objeto y la 'patafísica, en una espiral de pasadas sucesivas alrededor del objeto concreto y el sonido.
La espiritualidad sonora de John Cage, la particular visión del mundo y la ciencia de Alfred Jarry y la rigurosa comprensión de la física del sonido de los hermanos Baschet se funden en el universo mecánico y sonoro de CaboSanRoque.
Exposición del 12 de diciembre de 2014 al 7 de febrero de 2015.
Horario de visita: Laborables, de 9 a 15 horas.
Plaza de la Catedral, 8. Girona.