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Segunda sesión del ciclo 'Europa Europa' con...
Segunda sesión del ciclo '...
Nuevo ciclo: Inteligencia artificial y arquitectura....
Nuevo ciclo: Inteligencia...
Arquitectes en construcció, in Reus
From November 22 to December 23, 2022, you can see in the lobby of the ETSA URV in Reus, the exhibition "Arquitectes en construcció", organized by the Tarragona Demarcation of the College of Architects of Catalonia.
By means of an exhibition and a printed publication of the Final Degree Projects of 34 collegiate architects, the Tarragona Department of the College of Architects of Catalonia recovers the edition of this compilation that was last published in 2006.
The exhibition is born from the desire to support recently graduated architects and bring the academic and professional fields closer together. This edition includes the final degree projects from 2007 to 2021.
Arquitectes en construcció, en Reus
Del 22 de noviembre al 23 de diciembre de 2022, se puede ver en el vestíbulo de la ETSA URV de Reus, la exposición "Arquitectes en construcció", organizada por la Demarcación de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña.
Mediante una muestra y una publicación impresa de los Proyectos Final de Carrera de 34 arquitectos colegiados/das, la Demarcación de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña recupera la edición de esta compilación que se publicó por última vez en 2006.
La exposición nace de la voluntad de apoyar a los/las arquitectos/as recientemente graduados/das y acercar los ámbitos académicos y profesional. Esta edición recoge los proyectos final de carrera desde el año 2007 hasta el 2021.
Arquitectes en construcció, a Reus
Del 22 de novembre al 23 de desembre de 2022, es pot veure al vestíbul de l'ETSA URV de Reus, l'exposició "Arquitectes en construcció", organitzada per la Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya.
Mitjançant una mostra i una publicació impresa dels Projectes Final de Carrera de 34 arquitectes col·legiats/des, la Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya recupera l’edició d’aquest recull que es va publicar per última vegada l’any 2006.
L’exposició neix de la voluntat de donar suport als/les arquitectes recentment graduats/des i apropar els àmbits acadèmics i professional. Aquesta edició recull els projectes final de carrera des de l’any 2007 fins al 2021.
LACOL Arquitectura Cooperativa
On Thursday, December 1, 2022, at 7:30 p.m., we will have the opportunity to listen to the LACOL Arquitectura Cooperativa conference, where architect Ari Artigas will talk about the history of the cooperative and its most relevant projects. A face-to-face conference offered by the Tarragona Region of the College of Architects of Catalonia.
Lacol is a cooperative of architects that works from the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona. They work to generate community infrastructures for the sustainability of life, as a key tool for the ecosocial transition, through architecture, cooperativism and participation. They work with architecture for social transformation, as a tool to critically intervene in the immediate environment. Always in parallel with society, acting in a fair and supportive manner starting with a horizontal work system.
They believe that the way to transform the city is based on the active participation of the people who live there and proactive action. They work on the interests related to the quality of life of all the people who share the city. The contribution of the architect is made at the heart of the urban movement, as another part of this movement, helping to translate citizen concerns and embody them on paper, providing criteria for the definition of objectives and strategies, as well as tools to define and communicate ideas through drawing, graphic representation, etc.
They encourage debate and discussion on the uses of public spaces and the management of urban spaces, city models, participation and heritage recovery, among others.
The work built by LACOL Arquitectura Cooperativa includes, the housing cooperative La Borda (2014-2018), Comunal Espai Cooperatiu (2016-2020), housing cooperative La Balma (2017-2021), Coopolis Bcn Phase 0. (2016), reform works and other multi-family housing projects that are in process.