Puntúa de l'1 al 5 els següents aspectes de les noves seccions.
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Disseny del nou entorn
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Utilitat de les gestions que pots realitzar
Impressió general

In between walls

University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Toronto - Canada

Niloufar Makaremi Esfarjani

10a Edició

Waters in Peril: Collective Measures for a Dying Lake Winnipeg

University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Toronto - Canada

Jaysen Ariola

10a Edició

Urban Awakening: Creating the New Urban Wilderness with Spontaneous Vegetation

University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Toronto - Canada

Stacey Zonneveld

10a Edició

Patchwork: a cabinet of curiosities

University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Toronto - Canada

Vincent Javet

10a Edició

Mullet Creek Park / Exploring Discontinuity & Ecological possibilities in a suburban business park

University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Toronto - Canada

Michael Wideman, Shika Jagwani

10a Edició

People As Monument - People's Park for China

University of Pennsylvania, School of Design

Philadelphia - United States of America

Yushan Huang

10a Edició

Imin: Assimilation in a new era of immigration

University of Pennsylvania, School of Design

United States of America

Naeem Shahrestani

10a Edició

Desert Instruments, Barmer, India

University of Pennsylvania, School of Design

Philadelphia - Philadelphia

Prakul Reddy Pottapu

10a Edició

The Tortoise's Neck : Extending or Retreating Island Life at the Edge (San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador)

University of Pennsylvania, School of Design

United States of America

Luke van Tol

10a Edició

Hybrid Ecologies: Bring the Natural, Urban and Pro

University of Pennsylvania, School of Design


Daniel Fachler, Shwen Ye, Aubrey Jahelka

10a Edició

(in) visible homelessness

University of Greenwich

London - United Kingdom

Rosie Martin

10a Edició

The Cloud Chamber - Drawing the Line

University of Greenwich

London - United Kingdom

Max Barnes

10a Edició
