Propers Actes
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral Arquitectes
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral...
Avantguarda | [C] Conference | Eva Franch · 'architectures of now'
Eva Franch Gilabert is an architect, curator, teacher and international lecturer. His professional practice is characterized by bringing together the experimental forms of art, design and architecture. She has been executive director of the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York and the first woman to lead the Architectural Association in London. She also holds the position of Distinguished Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Shanghai, is a professor at UMPRUM (the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague), visiting professor at Princeton University and Cooper Union in the USA and she is the co-founder and artistic director of Model (Barcelona Architecture Festival). His work has been exhibited internationally at the Barcelona FAD, the Venice Architecture Biennale, the Vitra Design Museum or the Shenzhen Architecture Biennale, among others.
At the end of the conference there will be a dinner-colloquium with the speaker at the Barhaus restaurant. You can sign up by sending an email to Dinner price €22.
The AVANTGUARDA cycle is divided into four main sections: environmentalism, experimentalism, communicationism and academicism. The format of these four sections and on different days will be that of a conference [C], a debate group [G] and a master class [M] per month.
Avantguarda | [C] Conferència | Eva Franch · 'arquitectures de l'ara'
Eva Franch i Gilabert és arquitecta, curadora, professora i conferenciant internacional. La seva pràctica professional es caracteritza per posar en relació les formes experimentals de l'art, el disseny i l'arquitectura. Ha estat directora executiva del Storefront for Art and Architecture a Nova York i la primera dona en dirigir l'Architectural Association de Londres. També ocupa el càrrec de professora distingida en l'Acadèmia de Belles arts de Shanghái, és professora en la UMPRUM (l'Acadèmia d'Arts, Arquitectura i Disseny de Praga), professora visitant en la Universitat de Princeton i Cooper Union als EUA i és la cofundadora i directora artística de Model (Festival d'Arquitectures de Barcelona). La seva obra ha estat exposada internacionalment al FAD de Barcelona, la Biennal d'Arquitectura de Venècia, el Vitra Design Museum o la Biennal d'Arquitectura Shenzhen, entre altres.
En finalitzar la conferència es farà un sopar-col·loqui amb la ponent al restaurant Barhaus. Us hi podeu apuntar enviant un correu a Preu del sopar 22€.
El cicle AVANTGUARDA està dividit en quatre grans apartats: ecologisme, experimentalisme, comunicacionisme i academicisme. El format d’aquests quatre apartats i en dies diferents serà el d'una conferència [C], un grup de debat [G] i una master class [M] al mes.
Avantguarda | [G] Grupo de debate | 'cimientos teóricos de las escuelas de Cataluña'
Al finalizar el debate se hará una cena-coloquio con los ponentes en el restaurante Barhaus. Os podéis apuntar enviando un correo a Precio de la cena 22€.
El ciclo AVANTGUARDA está dividido en cuatro grandes apartados: ecologismo, experimentalismo, comunicacionismo y academicismo. El formato de estos cuatro apartados y en días diferentes será el de una conferencia [C], un grupo de debate [G] y una masterclass [M] al mes.
Avantguarda | [G] Debate group | 'theoretical foundations of the universities of Catalonia'
At the end of the debate there will be a dinner-colloquium with the speakers at the Barhaus restaurant. You can sign up by sending an email to Dinner price €22.
The AVANTGUARDA cycle is divided into four main sections: environmentalism, experimentalism, communicationism and academicism. The format of these four sections and on different days will be that of a conference [C], a debate group [G] and a master class [M] per month.