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Propers Actes

  • New issue of 'Quaderns' explores the cosmetic...

    A new issue of the COAC's magazine Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme has been published and is now available to members at the various Association offices. Issue number 272 is entitled Cosmetic Techniques. Edited by architects Nuria Casais and Ferran Grau, the new issue of Quaderns explores the cosmetic management of architectural language in a European context, comparing the concepts of order and ornament.


  • Un grup de dones restaurant cases a Tangassogo

    The restoration of Tangassogo village, funded with the support...

    The Barcelona branch of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia opened the exhibition entitled "Per Durar" (Built to Last) on 16 January, which consists of a collection of photographs showing the role played by women in the project to restore the village of Tangassogo in Burkina Faso. The project was partially funded by COAC cooperation grants, which have been awarded for the last 20 years.A community project


  • Construction in Catalonia

    The lack of an urban renewal strategy is dictating future...

    The weak growth of approved building space is very far from the figures of the immediately preceding years. The main reason for this is the decline in building projects in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, which has been the driving force behind the timid recovery of the last four years.


  • cartell manifestació

    The COAC against climate change: We join the sector's...

    The Architects’ Association has added its signature to the climate and environment emergency declaration of the 2030 Observatory of the CSCAE on the occasion of the Climate Summit (COP25). With its allegiance to the declaration, the COAC pledges to establish and strengthen the necessary measures within its sphere of action to help slow down the global warming of the planet.


  • Tallers de Kapla a plaça Nova

    Christmas at the COAC: Activity programme

    Once again this year, the Architects’ Association of Catalonia is opening its doors during the festive season and organising a series of activities to bring architecture closer to the general public, especially children. The Christmas activities will kick off on 21 December with the Christmas Carols Workshop. This fun activity is coordinated by the Choir of Catalan Architects!


  • Mapa interactiu de l'arquitectura catalana

    The COAC launches arquitectura catalana.cat, the digital...

    The COAC is launching arquitecturacatalana.cat, the digital archive of modern and contemporary Catalan architecture. The aim is to make Catalan architectural heritage more accessible to both architects and the general public.


  • Alumnes. A la Setmana d'Arquitectura.

    2nd edition of 'Architecture in the Classrooms'. Our...

    For the fourth year running, the Architects’ Association—in conjunction with Barcelona City Council, the Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Construmat and ARQUIN-FAD—are organizing Architecture Week, which will take place between 7 and 17 May 2020.


  • Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

    The COAC hosts the General Assembly of the Architects’ Council...

    On 22 November, the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) will be holding its General Assembly at the COAC’s headquarters in Plaça Nova. The 43 organisations that form part of the Council, including the CSCAE (the Higher Council of Architects’ Associations of Spain), will all be participating.


  • Exposició al COAC.

    The Association presents the 2019 COAC Medals to 48H Open...

    The Governing Board of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia has decided to award the 2019 COAC Medals to 48H Open House and the Jordi Capell Architects’ Cooperative. With this distinction, the COAC recognises the work undertaken by both entities in sharing information on architectural heritage, architects and architecture. 

