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Closing the cycle Avantguarda | [M] Masterclass | Mariona Genís · 'learning [with and from] architecture'

Closing the cycle Avantguarda | [M] Masterclass | Mariona Genís · 'learning [with and from] architecture'

© Mariona Genís
Within the cultural program of the AVANTGUARDA cycle, we have the opportunity to listen to the architect Mariona Genís, who will offer us a masterclass under the theme of academicism, with the title 'learning [with and from] architecture'. Anna Castellà d'Arjub presents the event.

Mariona Genís is a PhD in Architecture from the ETSAB, UPC. His research is linked to teaching innovation in the field of Architectural Restoration and Design and in new methods of Restoration and Rehabilitation. She participates as a guest professor and coordinator in several master's degrees, postgraduate courses and courses at the UPC School. In the field of restoration, she is the coordinator and professor of the Masters in Architectural Rehabilitation and Restoration: from Performance Evaluation (CTE) to the Intervention Project, from the UPC.

After the masterclass, we will conclude the AVANTGUARDA cycle in the outdoor courtyard of the COAC Tarragona, where the speaker will accompany us and we will offer a small refreshment. Due to capacity control, prior registration is required to attend. You can register HERE.

The AVANTGUARDA cycle is divided into four main sections: environmentalism, experimentalism, communicationism and academicism. The format of these four sections and on different days will be that of a conference [C], a debate group [G] and a master class [M] per month.



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