Propers Actes
Thu, 23 January
At 7:30 p.m.
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral Arquitectes
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral...
The 'Decarbonizing the architecture' date is out! Save the date!
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
Did you know edification is responsible for 40% of energy consumption in Europe, and 36% of CO2 emissions?
It is in front of this situation that architects have the responibility to liderate the decarbonisation of the architectural sector and to act against the actual climate crisis.
To meet the goal of making Europe a carbon neutral continent by 2050, we must change the way we design and build. The COAC accompanies you and offer the necessary resources to face this change.
To keep you up-to-date, save the next November 21st in your agendas, as we will celebrate the second 'Decarbonizing Architecture' edition.
The main changes the profession has to make for the next years will be explained, as well as some international cases of success. We will also approach. We will also address topical regulatory issues, such as the new Energy Efficiency Directive for Buildings and the European Taxonomy, and we will present essential tools to improve our professional practice, such as the portfolio of decarbonized materials or the CO2 measurement tool that the COAC will put into operation this year.
The World Congress of Architecture UIA-Barcelona 2026 is on the horizon and this second edition of #DecarbonizingArchitecture is a key milestone in the construction of the paradigm shift that we must promote professionally and globally.
If you want to be notified when the registrations open, click here:
Do you want to relive the first edition of #DecarbonizingArchitecture? Find the videos!
More than 300 architecture professionals already participated in the first edition, with 14 high-quality speakers and 11 national and international authorities. If you are interested in recovering them, you can find the videos for all the sessions:
It is in front of this situation that architects have the responibility to liderate the decarbonisation of the architectural sector and to act against the actual climate crisis.
To meet the goal of making Europe a carbon neutral continent by 2050, we must change the way we design and build. The COAC accompanies you and offer the necessary resources to face this change.
To keep you up-to-date, save the next November 21st in your agendas, as we will celebrate the second 'Decarbonizing Architecture' edition.
The main changes the profession has to make for the next years will be explained, as well as some international cases of success. We will also approach. We will also address topical regulatory issues, such as the new Energy Efficiency Directive for Buildings and the European Taxonomy, and we will present essential tools to improve our professional practice, such as the portfolio of decarbonized materials or the CO2 measurement tool that the COAC will put into operation this year.
The World Congress of Architecture UIA-Barcelona 2026 is on the horizon and this second edition of #DecarbonizingArchitecture is a key milestone in the construction of the paradigm shift that we must promote professionally and globally.
If you want to be notified when the registrations open, click here:
Do you want to relive the first edition of #DecarbonizingArchitecture? Find the videos!
More than 300 architecture professionals already participated in the first edition, with 14 high-quality speakers and 11 national and international authorities. If you are interested in recovering them, you can find the videos for all the sessions: