Propers Actes
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral Arquitectes
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral...
Registrations open for the calculation and design course of photovoltaic installations for self-consumption
Reducing CO2 emissions and pollution levels in our towns and cities are inexcusable needs. Gradually replacing the classic electrical energy production and distribution systems, based on fossil fuels, is necessary.
Self-consumption, based on photovoltaic panels, makes it possible to produce, consume, share and store energy in a more efficient, sustainable and responsible way. Architects must foresee the implementation of this new type of technology in our projects.
Course aimed at architects, technical architects, real estate developers, managers and all kinds of professionals interested in designing and building more sustainable and energy efficient buildings.
For more information about the program and for registration, visit the website of Escola Sert.