Propers Actes
Thu, 23 January
At 7:30 p.m.
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral Arquitectes
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral...
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
Approval of the draft Law on Professional Associations and Services (LSCP)
On 2 August, the Council of Ministers approved the draft LCSP, which still envisages a review of architects’ qualifications, setting up a working group to make ‘proposals relating to professional qualifications in the sphere of engineering and construction’. Although it incorporates measures to modernize professional associations, it supports the intervention of the State and the loss of autonomy and consequent weakening of associations in their role to uphold the profession and their responsibility towards civil society, and directly invades the exclusive competences that Catalonia has in this area.This has opened up a period for consultations—until 16 September—based on which the Council of Ministers will pass the definitive bill. We have ahead of us a process that is highly unlikely to finish until next year. During this time, we will continue to directly oppose this draft law, rolling out actions to uphold the profession of architect and the professional conditions necessary for architecture to evolve. We will continue to denounce a ‘liberalization’ which, far from improving competitiveness, undermines the conditions in which architects do their jobs and hence their quality and competitiveness, making the current situation even more difficult and destroying many future prospects. The draft law also arbitrarily and unnecessarily rejects a model which has made architecture a benchmark for building and defining cities, replacing it with bog-standard construction without any kind of cultural or social value..With this objective, we will continue to coordinate with the CSCAE, the associations, architectural schools and other organizations related to architecture, counting on your involvement and support to continue engaging in whatever public or collective actions may be necessary.
Declaration in Support of Spanish Architecture
The Declaration in Support of Spanish Architecture is still active which, instigated by the CSCAE, enjoys the support in Catalonia of all the architectural schools and organizations associated with the sector. Support the Spanish architecture by clicking here.
We are more than 28.000 people.
ManiFEST June 18, 2013
What it is to be an Architect. Adaptation of a video from the American Institute of Architects.
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