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  • Avantguarda | [C] Conference | Takk · 'Architecture and co-existence'

    Avantguarda | [C] Conference | Takk · 'Architecture and co-existence'

    Within the cultural programming of the AVANTGUARDA cycle, we have the opportunity to listen to the architecture studio Takk, where Mireia Luzàrraga will offer us a conference on the subject of experimentalism, with the title 'Architecture and co-existence'. The event is presented by Anna Castellà d'Arjub.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Day: Thu, 07 March At 7 p.m.

  • Avantguarda | [M] Masterclass | Slow Studio · 'bioconstruction and bioclimatism'

    Avantguarda | [M] Masterclass | Slow Studio · 'bioconstruction and bioclimatism'

    Within the cultural programming of the AVANTGUARDA cycle, we have the opportunity to listen to Slow Studio, where Jade Serra will offer us a masterclass on the topic of ecology, with the title 'Bioconstruction and bioclimatism'. The event is presented by Anna Castellà from Arjub.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Day: Thu, 29 February At 7 p.m.

  • Avantguarda | [G] Debate group | Vivas Arquitectos + Josep Bunyesc + Maria Sisternas · 'sustainable development in public works'

    Avantguarda | [G] Debate group | Vivas Arquitectos + Josep Bunyesc + Maria Sisternas · 'sustainable development in public works'

    Within the cultural program of the AVANTGUARDA cycle, we have the opportunity to participate in the debate group formed by Vivas Arquitectos, Josep Bunyesc and Maria Sisternas, with the theme of environmentalism 'sustainable development in public works'. The act is moderated by Daniel Muñoz.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Day: Thu, 22 February At 7 p.m

  • Avantguarda | [C] Conference | Arqbag · 'Subject / Matter / Air'

    Avantguarda | [C] Conference | Arqbag · 'Subject / Matter / Air'

    Within the cultural programming of the AVANTGUARDA cycle, we have the opportunity to listen to the architectural cooperative Arqbag, where Bernat Colomé will offer us a conference on the theme of environmentalism, with the title 'Subject / Matter / Air'. The event is presented by Anna Castellà from Arjub.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Day: Thu, 15 February At 7 p.m

  • RE-Inhabit contexts

    RE-Inhabit contexts

    Re-Inhabit contexts encompasses the exercise of sensitivity, rigor and common sense of the architecture that we are interested in exploring.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Day: Thu, 01 February At 7:00 p.m.

  • Inauguration of the exhibition 'Looks: Water and the Sea'

    Inauguration of the exhibition 'Looks: Water and the Sea'

    Inaugural conference of the exhibition 'Miradas: El agua y la mar', by the exhibition's photographer, Pep Escoda.The exhibition, the first of the LOOKS Cycle at the Tarragona headquarters, dedicated this year to WATER, includes twenty images by photographer Pep Escoda and offers a look at this natural element, as the title indicates, water and the sea.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Day: Thu, 25 January At 7:00 p.m.

  • Looks: The water and the sea

    Looks: The water and the sea

    The exhibition, the first of the LOOKS Cycle at the Tarragona headquarters, dedicated this year to WATER, includes twenty images by photographer Pep Escoda and offers a look at this natural element, as the title indicates, water and the sea.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Since: Mon, 22 January - Until: Fri, 15 March

  • Laberint. Arjub Estudi, Anna Castellà and Alberto Espinosa

    Laberint. Arjub Estudi, Anna Castellà and Alberto Espinosa

    Anna Castellà and Alberto Espinosa, tell us about the Reus Labyrinth, a prize-winning work in the category of outdoor spaces, urban spaces, parks and gardens, interventions in the landscape and urban planning of the XIII Alejandro de la Sota Biennial – Mostra d 'Architecture of Tarragona and awarded with the 7th Alejandro de la Sota Award.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Day: Thu, 18 January At 7 p.m.

  • Presentation magazine AT 25: 'Beyond humans / Més enllà dels humans'

    Presentation magazine AT 25: 'Beyond humans / Més enllà dels humans'

    The Tarragona Region of the College of Architects of Catalonia and the directors Maria Rius and Elisenda Rosàs invite you to the presentation of the new issue of the magazine AT Arquitectes de Tarragona: 'Beyond humans / Més enllà dels humans'.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Day: Tue, 09 January At 7 p.m.
