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Impressió general
RE-Inhabit contexts

RE-Inhabit contexts

© Mendoza Partida

Re-Inhabit contexts encompasses the exercise of sensitivity, rigor and common sense of the architecture that we are interested in exploring.

We understand the context as the order or specific arrangement of those historical, cultural, and material elements that are interwoven with the way of being, of living, of coexisting, of building. This order or specific arrangement builds the common thread from which each of our architectural interventions is born.

In this talk we will focus on 4 projects that work on cultural heritage in different contexts and that have the spirit of recovering it in order to enrich the urban and collective life of different cities. Hence the search to Re-inhabit contexts.

Mendoza Partida is an international architecture firm based in Barcelona, ​​the result of the symbiosis and connection between Héctor Mendoza and Mara Partida. Two professionals whose unique sensitivity to understand and interpret multiple contexts and situations, together with a constant search for new ways of doing things, support their projects. A studio whose area of ​​activity is mainly framed in the design of cultural facilities and housing, areas in which its solutions, in addition to achieving perfect coordination, provide special well-being.


Mendoza Partida, through experimentation, research and innovative solutions based on common sense and congruence, provides its architecture with a precise balance between geometry, matter and emotion.


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RE-Habitar contextos

RE-Habitar contextos

© Mendoza Partida

Re-habitar contextos engloba el ejercicio de la sensibilidad, rigor y sentido común de la arquitectura que nos interesa explorar.

El contexto lo entendemos como el orden o disposición específica de aquellos elementos históricos, culturales, materiales, que se entretejen con la manera de ser, de vivir, de convivir, de construir. Este orden o disposición específica construye el hilo conductor del cual nace cada una de nuestras intervenciones arquitectónicas.

En esta charla nos centraremos en 4 proyectos que trabajan sobre el patrimonio cultural en distintos contextos y que tienen el espíritu de recuperarlo para poder enriquecer la vida urbana y colectiva de las distintas ciudades. De ahí la búsqueda de Re-habitar contextos.

Mendoza Partida es un despacho internacional de arquitectura con sede en Barcelona, fruto de la simbiosis y la conexión entre Héctor Mendoza y Mara Partida. Dos profesionales cuya singular sensibilidad para entender e interpretar múltiples contextos y situaciones, unida a una búsqueda constante de nuevas formas de hacer, avalan sus proyectos. Un estudio cuya área de actividad se enmarca, principalmente, en el diseño de equipamientos culturales y viviendas, ámbitos en los que sus soluciones, además de lograr un engranaje perfecto, aportan un especial bienestar.

Mendoza Partida, a través de la experimentación, la investigación y soluciones innovadoras que parten del sentido común y la congruencia, dotan a su arquitectura de un preciso equilibrio entre geometría, materia y emoción.


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RE-Habitar contextos

RE-Habitar contextos

© Mendoza Partida

Re-habitar contextos engloba l’exercici de la sensibilitat, rigor i sentit comú de l’arquitectura que ens interessa explorar.

El context ho entenem com l’ordre o disposició específica d’aquells elements històrics, culturals, materials, que s’entreteixeixen amb la manera de ser, de viure, de conviure, de construir. Aquest ordre o disposició específica construeix el fil conductor del qual neix cadascuna de les nostres intervencions arquitectòniques.

En aquesta xerrada ens centrarem en 4 projectes que treballen sobre el patrimoni cultural en diferents contextos i que tenen l’esperit de recuperar-lo per a poder enriquir la vida urbana i col·lectiva de les diferents ciutats. D’aquí la cerca de Re-habitar contextos.

Mendoza Partida és un despatx internacional d’arquitectura amb seu a Barcelona, fruit de la simbiosi i la connexió entre Héctor Mendoza i Mara Partida. Dos professionals amb una singular sensibilitat per a entendre i interpretar múltiples contextos i situacions, unida a una cerca constant de noves maneres de fer, avalen els seus projectes. Un estudi l’àrea d’activitat del qual s’emmarca, principalment, en el disseny d’equipaments culturals i habitatges, àmbits en els quals les seves solucions, a més d’aconseguir un engranatge perfecte, aporten un especial benestar.

Mendoza Partida, a través de l’experimentació, la recerca i solucions innovadores que parteixen del sentit comú i la congruència, doten a la seva arquitectura d’un precís equilibri entre geometria, matèria i emoció.


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Inauguration of the exhibition 'Looks: Water and the Sea'

Inauguration of the exhibition 'Looks: Water and the Sea'

© Tarragona Demarcation of the College of Architects of Catalonia
Inaugural conference of the exhibition 'Miradas: El agua y la mar', by the exhibition's photographer, Pep Escoda.

The exhibition, the first of the LOOKS Cycle at the Tarragona headquarters, dedicated this year to WATER, includes twenty images by photographer Pep Escoda and offers a look at this natural element, as the title indicates, water and the sea.

Pep Escoda, Tarragona (1958), has worked as a professional photographer since 1990 and, although he specialized in interior design and architecture photography, he has reached other photographic specialties throughout his career. He has won 21 Lux awards in various categories, portrait, landscape, architecture or personal project.
He has published his photographs in more than 150 books, by publishers such as Taschen, Daab, Teneues or Harper design New York, New York Times, Forbes Magazine and ICON Magazine, among others.
He has been part of many individual and group exhibitions, such as the Tagomago gallery in Barcelona and Paris. Other exhibitions worth highlighting are Sincerely yours, at the Valid Foto gallery in Barcelona, ​​Passion and Melody of Mediterranenan at the Center for Contemporary Art in Saint Petersburg and Portraits at Shed Two on the Tarragona coast pier.

The LOOKS exhibition cycle is a cultural initiative that weaves the entire territory in a collaborative way, highlighting the local heritage through the observation of the four elements of nature: water, earth, fire and air.
Each of the elements will be the subject of an annual exhibition, completing the series in four years and increasing the legacy of the historical archive of the College of Architects with the donation of photographic records that will build the exhibitions.
In this way, from a local perspective, we will share and debate global commitments.

Exhibitions Looks: Water
Water as a shaper of the territory, by Mariano Cebolla (Tortosa, 09/28 – 12/31)
River industries. Water as energy, by Judith Casas (Manresa, 1.12 – 16.12; Vic, 9.01 – 26.01)
The water and the sea, by Pep Escoda (Tarragona, 01.22 – 03.15)
Drought - lack of water. Aerial photos, by Carles Rabada (Lleida, 1.02 - 1.03)
Microlandscapes of the Girona waters, by Carles Sànchez (Girona, from 02/22)
Water infrastructure heritage, by Anna Mas (14.03 – 24.04)



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