Puntúa de l'1 al 5 els següents aspectes de les noves seccions.
Pregunta 1 2 3 4 5
Disseny del nou entorn
Facilitat d’ús
Utilitat de les gestions que pots realitzar
Impressió general

Carignano: retrieving landscape

Politécnico de Torino, Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, progetto e politiche del Territorio


Luigi La Riccia, Fabrizio Loretto

5a Edició

On the river tracks

Politécnico de Torino, Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, progetto e politiche del Territorio


C. Dorati, S. Castati, C. Impastato, B. Seardo

5a Edició

Urban Regeneration Along The River Somesul Mic In The City Of Cluj Napoca.

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Landscape Architecture


Ulpia Elena Botezatu

5a Edició

Across the river and into the trees

Politécnico de Torino, Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, progetto e politiche del Territorio


A. Di Gioia, E. Paciello, G. Nocerino

5a Edició


University of Bucharest, Faculty of Landscape Architecture


Dosina Fleariu , Georgiana Ungureanu

5a Edició

The lagoon of Mesolonghi - Intervention in the intermediate zone

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, school of architecture


Karavanas Andreas, Choli Anastasia

5a Edició

The harbor of ancient Greece in Lechaeum near Corinth, currently an archeological site and a biotope

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, school of architecture


Bourdi Maria, Ghika Christiana

5a Edició

A walk through the site of the new archaeological museum of Megalopolis

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, school of architecture


Ilias Markolefas

5a Edició

Thematic park in the moat of Chania

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, school of architecture


Doxastaki Maria, Skouloudi Arguro

5a Edició

Landscape in movement

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Landscape Architecture


Cismasu Cecilia

5a Edició

Arca d’ Água’s stream recovery

Porto University, Faculty of Science of University of Porto


Daniela Silva, Hermínia Laranjo, Marla Gomes, Miguel Barreira, Ricardo Gomes

5a Edició

AZURARA PARK - The Vegetation, The Portuguese Discoveries and The Naval Construction

Porto University, Faculty of Science of University of Porto


Diana T. Fernandes

5a Edició
